It’s a New Year!
What do you intend?
Beauty ?
Well-being ?
Prosperity ?
Happiness ?
Beauty: Seeing all things from an inner place. Seeing with the inner eyes, the heart, these things of beauty. Look around. What do you look at? Think about it – how do you see it? Intend to see the beauty – in All.
Well-being: The wellness emotionally, psychologically, relationally, physically…know the wellness of wholeness. Choose it.
Prosperity: Large or small, grateful for it All.
Happiness: A choice. Hear with the inner ear all the sounds. Count how many there are. It will require silence of mind to hear with the inner ear. It’s joyful to listen – the joy inside brings happiness on the outside.
Set your intention for this new year. What will be your choices?
Inner first – and the outer will show up.
Love and light,